The International specialized pet goods exhibition ParkZoo 2024 has been opened at Crocus Expo.

The International specialized pet goods exhibition ParkZoo 2024, one of the largest events of national zoo industry, has opened its doors today September 25 through 27 at Crocus Expo.

More than 300 companies from Russia and China demonstrate hundreds of new pet products that saturate the growing market and make the owner's life easier, and the animal's life more interesting and longer.

List of exhibitors 2024>>.

The entire professional community involving pet goods manufacturers, representatives of wholesale and retail trade, and breeders participate in the trade fair. The exhibitors’ stands will display all things necessary for feeding and raising pets, their treatment and entertainment. Everything required for feeding, keeping, care, treatment and entertainment of pets - be it a dog, a hamster or an exotic reptile - will be presented on the stands.

The business program at the ParkZoo 2024 exhibition provides unique opportunities for professional development, business improvement and expanding the network of contacts - educational programs on the main areas of business.

The PROZooRetail Conference for owners and managers of specialized pet stores will be held for the first time as part of the ParkZoo 2024 exhibition on September 25-27. The theme of the conference is “Trends shaping the pet store of the future” and leading speakers in the field of business analytics, marketing, innovations in retail and human resources management will share unique content necessary to shape your business development strategy. 

The 13th Grooming festival GROOMINGFEST will be held within the frames of the exhibition.

More about business program >>.

Go through the online registration to attend the event.

Get a ticket >>.

See you September 25 through 27 at Crocus Expo!

  • 25.09.2024

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