CeMAT RUSSIA business program has been posted

The International exhibition for materials handling, warehousing equipment and logistics CeMAT RUSSIA, the main autumn exhibition in Russia for the specialists of the industry, will be held September 17 through 19 at Crocus Expo.

The concept of the CeMAT RUSSIA dialogue platform is the development of an integrated approach to the creation and implementation of your logistics strategy. Three thematic streams on three content platforms:

  • Process management: trends, development vector, partner cooperation, warehouse logistics in the DRM system, warehouses as an investment object, foreign economic activity logistics, human resources policy, safety and environmental friendliness;

  • Sales logistics: e-commerce, procurement and logistics management, supplier management/customer tasks, sales management, import substitution;

  • Technologies, equipment and digital. Complex solutions: automation and digital technologies, software products, WMS systems, Auto-ID equipment, robotization, reengineering.

Business events give producers and end-users a chance to discuss the latest developments in warehousing technology. CeMAT RUSSIA is a platform for networking. Conferences, discussions and round tables on the most relevant topics will be held within the framework of the exhibition, and the events will provide an opportunity to learn about how the warehouse and intralogistic processes are organized at the enterprises of your competitors and partners.  

More about business program >>

Please register online using the promo code CR24pCRC.

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See you September 17 through 19 at Crocus Expo!

  • 09.09.2024

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