The International specialized exhibition of organic farming and eco-friendly goods and products GreenExpo. ECO Lifestyle will be held at Crocus Expo

The International specialized exhibition of organic farming and eco-friendly goods and products GreenExpo. ECO Lifestyle, an effective platform for getting acquainted with current trends in the eco-industry, which traditionally brings together manufacturers, sellers and consumers of eco-products, as well as eco-industry experts and media representatives, will be held September 10 through 12 at Crocus Expo.

It is an annual event showcasing organic farming techniques and eco-friendly products from around the world. The exhibition focuses on promoting sustainable practices and raising awareness about environmental issues.

Main sections:

  • Organic farming - technologies, products, services and equipment for organic farming, gardeners, garden centers and retail;

  • Biodegradable packaging - responsible production, consumption, reuse and recovery of goods, packaging and materials;

  • City farming - goods, services and equipment for growing herbs and plants in urban environments and in enterprises;

  • Eco products for humans and pets - technologies, goods, services and equipment to produce environmentally friendly foods of human and pets;

  • Clean house and garden - environmental goods, services for house / garden, innovative ecotechnologies in the construction of houses;

  • Landscape and environmental technology - the impact of ecology on the human habitat.

  • ECO Lifestyle - agro-ecotourism, eco-friendly cosmetics, clothing, accessories, technology, services.

The objectives of the exhibition are to study the development of the eco-products industry in Russia; to popularize the ideas of eco-consumption; and to expand visitors’ knowledge in the field of a healthy lifestyle. The concept of "healthy living" is becoming more and more popular. It's no longer a trendy trend, but a part of everyday life. The population of Russia is becoming more and more devoted to this philosophy, which can be seen in the increase of organic food stores, biologically active ingredients, self-care programs, and diets.

Buy a ticket on the official website to attend the exhibition.

Buy a ticket.

See you September 10 through 12 at Crocus Expo!

  • 31.07.2024

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