Registration for the 14th International exhibition for materials handling, warehousing equipment and logistics CeMAT RUSSIA has been opened

One can get a ticket to CeMAT RUSSIA, the main autumn exhibition in Russia for the specialists of the industry, already today. The exhibition will be held September 17 through 19 at Crocus Expo.

CeMAT RUSSIA will occupy all 4 exhibition halls of Pavilion 1 for the first time in its history. Over the past two years, the exhibition has more than doubled, and in September it will bring together over 250 companies on its site that will present exclusively solutions for logistics.

CeMAT RUSSIA has become a platform for the development and promotion of Russian solutions in logistics and supply chain management, including software, equipment, and technology. More than 200 brands and 137 companies from 10 countries will display equipment and solutions for warehouse logistics and delivery chains.

Warehouse equipment, robots, automation systems, spare parts, data collection terminals and other products will be presented at CeMAT RUSSIA. Among the participants from China there are both new companies and those who have been presenting their solutions for several years. 

In parallel with the exhibition, there is traditionally an extensive business program, which includes many events of various formats, exchange of practical experience and professional networking. Do not miss!

Registration for the exhibition is free of charge with promo code cr24pcrc.

Get a ticket.

See you September 17 through 19 at Crocus Expo!

  • 14.06.2024

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