Results of the International exhibition of security and fire protection equipment and products Securika Moscow

The 29th International exhibition of security and fire protection equipment and products Securika Moscow was held April 16 through 18 at Crocus Expo.

In 2024, 316 compqanies from 8 countries presented their technical solutions at Securika Moscow, with 20, 379 specialists from 81 regions of Russia and 22 countries attending in total. These figures represent a 10% increase on 2023, with 6,600 cross-visitors of ExpoElectronica. The exhibition was visited by representatives of all EAEU member countries. Visitors from Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan were in attendance, and for many participants, this was a significant advantage. It allowed them to hold meetings with customers, dealers and partners from across Russia in a short period of time.

Securika Moscow 2024 demonstrated significant growth, with the exhibition attracting a high number of attendees and visitors noting the dynamism of the technology sector. There was a clear indication from the market participants that the saturation of the sector with both established and emerging products was a key driver for growth. The exhibition also saw a noticeable increase in the regional diversity of its attendees. Finally, it is worth noting the consistent attendance at the exhibition by leading industry specialists, which is a testament to its reputation as Russia's leading specialised event for security professionals.

Securika Moscow 2024 delivered an impressive three-day business programme that included 17 events and 127 speakers, with nearly 2,500 listeners in attendance. 

At Securika Moscow, the results of the Best Innovative Product contest were traditionally summarised. This year, 18 companies took part in the competition in 6 nominations. For the first time, online voting took place, with almost 10,000 participants. The traditional jury meeting was also held, where participants presented their projects to industry experts. The winners were determined based on the results of the online voting and the jury's decision. On 17 April, they presented the most interesting and significant developments in the format of a pitch session.

The winners of the 2024 competition are:

  • New Technologies LLC (RADARPLUS brand) – the winner in the Access Control and Management Systems nomination;

  • Rubezh Research and Production Company – the winner in the nomination "Access Control and Management Systems";

  • Rubetek Company – the winner in the category "Video Surveillance Systems";

  • Pozhtekhnika Group of Companies – victory in the Fire Fighting and Fire Protection Means nomination;

  •  Teko Company – winner in the nomination "Signalling and Alerting Systems";

  •  Kamkiper LLC – winner in the category "Integrated Security Systems and Integration Platforms".

The 30rd International exhibition of security and fire protection equipment and products Securika Moscow will be held April 15 through 17, 2025.

See you at Crocus Expo!

  • 06.06.2024

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