The International architectural, construction and interior exhibition Beautiful Houses. Russian Architectural Salon began its work

The International architectural, construction and interior exhibition Beautiful Houses. Russian Architectural Salon has been opened today October 26 at Crocus Expo. The exhibition’s pledge of success is the show’s innovative format: clearly structured exhibition brings together the main directions in creation of a contemporary home — a comfortable, functional and beautiful living space. 

  • Thematic sectionsArchitecture: living space design and development; calculations; landscape design; light in architecture
  • Design: interior solutions; furniture design; decor
  • Interior: furniture; finishing materials; flooring; sanitary ware, ceramics; windows, doors and stairs; varnishes, paints; fireplaces and stoves; lighting
  • Home: wooden, frame, stone houses; construction materials, roofing, insulation; engineering

   List of exhibitors >>.

Beautiful Houses 2023 and Archistone 2023 contests are held within the frames of the exhibition. The contests are supported by the Union of Architects of Russia and Union of Moscow Architects.

The key event of the 2023 business program is the All-Russian conference on Modern Technologies for the Construction of Low-Rise Buildings.

See you October 26 through 29 at Crocus Expo!

  • 26.10.2023

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