Everything about gas equipment and vehicles at GasSuf

GasSuf, the 21st International exhibition of natural gas vehicles, CNG filling equipment and machinery, has been opened today October 24 at Crocus Expo. The exhibition is a landmark event for the domestic gas fuel and gas refueling industry of Russia.

Exhibitors fr om Russia, Republic of Belarus and China display gas filling stations; compressor equipment; automobile, household, industrial gas cylinders; components of gas cylinder equipment for liquefied and compressed gas; gas automatics, alarms and gas analyzers; NGV vehicles and much more The GasSuf exhibition is a unique platform wh ere all significant industry players gather once a year.

More about sections >>.

The key event of the exhibition is a professional forum aimed at addressing issues that can directly affect the market development.

Forum speakers do not plan to limit themselves to analytics: reviews and forecasts for the future. Strategic planning and solution of current problems are the basis of the business program agenda, and its main feature is an equal dialog between all participants.

More about business program >>.

Register online with promo code crocus23 to attend the exhibition free of charge.

Get a ticket to the exhibition >>.

See you October 24 through 26 at Crocus Expo!

  • 24.10.2023

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