ParkZoo 2023 post show report

The 12th International specialized pet goods exhibition ParkZoo 2023, one of the largest events of national zoo industry, was held September 20 through 22 at Crocus Expo.

Over the past year, the pet industry has successfully proved its ability to withstand challenges. In order to prevent a shortage of pet products, the industry went into "turbo mode". The confusion of 2022 has been replaced by drive and high performance. It was possible to feel the progress and see the achievements of the pet industry at the ParkZoo 2023 exhibition.

Compared to last year, ParkZoo has grown both in area and in the number of participants. 215 companies presented brands from Russia, China, Turkey, Belarus, Italy, Serbia, Japan and other countries. The stands occupied two pavilions of the exhibition center - 11 900 sq m. 

The event was visited by 12,219 people over three days, which is 12% more than last year. For easy movement around the exhibition, the organizers developed a convenient navigation system integrated into the ParkZoo LEADER app.

Traditionally, the section of novelties that appeared on the pet market over the last year was of great interest to participants and visitors. 170 new products, mostly domestically produced, were presented at ParkZoo 2023.

The business program was primarily addressed to retail business specialists. It included a tour of the exhibition led by experts, as well as educational programs in the main areas of business: marketing, HR, and logistics. 

An important event of the business program was the Round Table on interaction of pet business and marketplaces. It was organized by the National Association of Zoo Industry (NAZ) and the industry media agency Zooinform. The event gathered 130 participants, and the results of the discussion will help the National Association of Zoo Industry to defend the interests of the zoo business in the authorities.

The next ParkZoo exhibition will be held on September 25-27, 2024.

See you at Crocus Expo!

  • 19.10.2023

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