The business program of the 20th Anniversary International exhibition of testing and measuring equipment Testing&Control

The 20th Anniversary International exhibition of testing and measuring equipment Testing&Control will be held October 24 through 26, 2023 at Crocus Expo. Testing & Control is the largest exhibition in Russia and CIS countries in terms of number of exhibitors and visitors featuring a wide range of testing and measuring equipment for aerospace, defense, steelmaking, and oil and gas companies, as well as other industries.

The exhibition will be traditionally held alongside with NDT Russia in the same hall where more than 100 domestic and foreign manufacturers and suppliers demonstrate a wide range of measuring, metrological, testing and analytical equipment at the exhibition.

As part of the business programme, the traditional event of the exhibition, All-Russian Scientific and Technical Conference Measurements. Testing. Control aimed at specialists and managers of industrial enterprises-customers of testing and measuring equipment, employees of research institutes, and independent laboratories. The conference includes a number of sessions which cover the issues relevant to the development of metrological activity.

As part of the business program of the exhibition, the Russian Laboratory Company and the NDT Russia organizing committee will hold a large-scale conference on non-destructive testing at industrial facilities.

The All-Russian competition The Best Specialist of Non-destructive Testing will be held within the frames of the business program. A solemn summing up and awarding of the winners will take place at the NDT Russia exhibition site.

Schedule of the business program >>.

See you October 24 through 26, 2023 at Crocus Expo!

  • 24.08.2023

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