Online registration and tickets purchase for the International exhibition HUNTING & FISHING WORLD has been opened

The International exhibition HUNTING & FISHING WORLD will be held August 24 through 27 at Crocus Expo.

Online registration and tickets purchase has been opened at the official website of the event. Schedule your visit well in advance.

Online registration and ticket purchase >>.

The event opens up the opportunity to exchange experience, focus on innovations and trends in the production and sale of equipment and components, search for business partners and conclude new contracts, and also gives participants the opportunity to demonstrate new products from proven and promising brands. A wide range of products and services will be displayed at the fair.

More about exhibition sections >>.

Visit to the exhibition will open up opportunities to:

  • Compare offers of more than 200 companies from Russia, Turkey, China, Kazakhstan and the Republic of Belarus

  • Establish new business contacts

  • Test new items presented by exhibitors

  • Explore market trends

  • Get advice from exhibitors’ experts

  • Improve professional competence by attending business program events

See you August 24 through 27 at Crocus Expo!

  • 10.07.2023

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