The 15th International exhibition for waste management, environmental technologies, ecology and renewable energy WasteTech will be held at Crocus Expo

The 15th International exhibition for waste management, environmental technologies, ecology and renewable energy WasteTech will be held September 12 through 14 at Crocus Expo. WasteTech is an important meeting place for waste management companies, industrial companies and technology and equipment suppliers. Here, manufacturers and distributors demonstrate solutions and offer the best conditions for utilities and industrial enterprises.

The event will be held alongside with the 17th International exhibition for water management EqwaTech. WasteTech attracts specialists involved in municipal complex, engineering and technical support, quality control, production, environmental control, and its topics are organically related to the topics of EcwaTech. Simultaneous holding of two events allows to obtain a synergy effect in attracting visitors from the municipal and industrial sectors.

More than 200 Russian and foreign companies will be presented at the exposition.

List of exhibitors 2023 >>.

Exposition sections:

  • Waste management

  • Green technology

  • Air, water and soil

  • Control and monitoring

Specialized expositions:

  • ScrapExpo specialized exposition with the key topic Ferrous and Non-ferrous Metal Scrap Collection and Recycling

  • LuftTech specialized exposition Air Pollution Control

Exhibitors can participate in the conference program of the exhibition, upgrade their skills and learn from new industry practices, experiences and opinions within the frames of the Forum WasteTech and business program.

The conference Waste Management Systems: Technological, Legal and Environmental Solutions will form an important part of the Forum. Experts and participants in the waste management industry will discuss at the profile session a list of actions necessary for the transition to a circular economy, the current state of the waste management reform, problems of tariff regulation, separate waste collection, the impact of EPR on the transition to a cyclical economy.

The conference will cover the following topics:

  • Digitalization, informatization and automation in waste management;
  • Industry legislation: how to work in the new context;
  • The closed cycle economy and the recycled material market;
  • Strategic development of the waste management industry. 
  • Import substitution 2.0;
  • Technological, environmental solutions for the landfills building and recultivation.

More about business events >>.

Visiting WasteTech will open up opportunities to meet representatives of waste management companies from almost all regions of Russia, take part in business program and discuss future cooperation with your new business partners.

See you September 12 through 14 at Crocus Expo!

  • 13.06.2023

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