International Travel Show MITT results

The 29th International Travel Show MITT, one of the five largest exhibitions worldwide, was held March 16 to 18 at Crocus Expo. Leaders and professionals of the industry from all over the world visited the exhibition to find new connections, explore unique tourism products, and create partnerships. The event confirmed the status of the largest industry event, which had attracted 768 exhibitors and was attended by 14,830 visitors.

57 regions of Russia and 20 countries of the world were represented at the MITT exhibition this year including: Iran, Indonesia, Thailand, Uganda, Algeria, Belarus, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Sri Lanka and many other destinations for tourists.

Among the participants were leading operator companies for outbound and domestic tourism, receiving tour operators, national offices for tourism, travel agencies, hotels, hotel chains, as well as MICE agencies, search and online booking systems.

The main topics of the sessions and conferences of the business program were the problems and solutions of the industry in conditions of turbulence, new opportunities for international cooperation and tourism potential of the regions of Russia, as well as the current situation for the hospitality sector and proposals for its development. A total of 17 business events were held with the participation of 170 leading speakers.

The solemn ceremony of awarding participants was held within the frames of the event.

Nominations and winners:

  • The best collective stand - Iran.

  • For loyalty and stability - Tunisia.

  • The best presentation of the country - Malaysia.

  • The most welcoming stand - Sri Lanka.

  • High-profile return to MITT - Republic of Cuba

  • For fruitful cooperation - Myanmar.

See you at Crocus Expo!

  • 31.03.2023

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