Moscow Boat Show is a meeting place for professionals of the industry and fans of water sports and active outing

The 16th International exhibition of boats and yachts Moscow Boat Show, one of the most significant events for the professionals of the yachting business and a platform for presentation of new branch developments and a meeting place for business and professional communication, will be held March 2 through 5, 2023.

During 4 days of the event, exhibitors will have an opportunity to profitably present their products and evaluate their demand on the market, determine promising distribution channels and expand their customer database, conduct many direct negotiations and enter into mutually profitable contracts in a short time.

Exposition sections:

  • Watercrafts

  • Outing on water

  • Services

  • Equipment

  • Tourism

  • Brokerage

  • Aircrafts for tourism and sports

  • Fishing gear and equipment

  • Clothing for water sports

  • Rescue equipment

One can find everything to make life on water better, more enjoyable, easier, safer and more fun at the Moscow Boat Show: a wide range of boats, accessories and equipment for your boat and crew. There is something for everybody who enjoys the life at sea; boat owners, boat enthusiasts, families, fishing enthusiast, water lovers and curious beginners.

A large scale business and entertainment program has been prepared for the visitors of the Moscow Boat Show 2023, which features lectures by professional yachtsmen, sportsmen, journalists and other honored experts.

One of the days will be devoted to design, leading shipbuilding engineers and industrial designers will give lectures for visitors to the exhibition.


  • Gleb Vizel, industrial designer, head of the Wiesel Design studio, head of the Subject Design workshop of the National Institute of Design

Topic: Industrial Design Prospects for the Yachting Industry.

  • Albert Nazarov, shipbuilding engineer, candidate of technical sciences, Albatross Marine Design Director.

Topic: Small Shipbuilding: design, norms, accident rate.

  • Anna Goncharova, acting interior designer, head and co-founder of Artshot design studio, member of the Union of Designers and Architects.

Topic: Modern Interiors. New materials. New technologies.

Follow the new posted at the official website of the show for you to keep updated.

The spring exhibition Moscow Boat Show is an ideal start for the yachting season!

See you at Crocus Expo March 2 through 5!

  • 17.01.2023

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