Joint exhibitions Heat&Power and PCVExpo post show report
The International exhibition of industrial boilers, heat exchange and power generation equipment Heat&Power 2022 and the 21st International exhibition of industrial pumps, compressors, valves, actuators and engines PCVExpo 2022 were held October 25 through 27, 2022 at Crocus Expo.
Attending the exhibitions provided an opportunity to find out which of the manufacturers and suppliers retained their positions in the market, find new partners and fresh ideas for business development.
The results of the exhibition can be confidently called successful. A noticeable change compared to 2021 was the increase in the number of participants. This year the exhibitions were visited by 4 140 visitors (of which 3 224 specialists were interested in industrial boiler, heat exchange and power generating equipment, as well as pumps, compressors and pipeline fittings).
Among the HEAT&POWER 2022 exhibitors were: Aguna, Aksion Holding, Biysk boiler plant, Boiler, Caroc, Detroit Stoker Company, Izhevsk Motor Works, NPF Krug, KEB-RUS, Pallant, Prime, Profilegib, Ogastus, Teploobmen and many others companies. Visitors of the exhibition were: representatives of generating and heat supply companies, municipal facilities and industrial enterprises, engineering and construction organizations and buyers from specialized trade companies.
Among the exhibitors PCVExpo 2022 were the leading manufacturers and suppliers: Anod, Camozzi, CNP, ESKM, Hydromechanica, Kant, Teploventkomplekt, Prompribor, Doring, ТG Filter SRL, Pnevmogidrosnab, Кев-Rus, Riflon, Prompribor, Siberian Electrotechnical Plant, JSC Baimak foundry and mechanical plant and many other Russian and foreign manufacturers and suppliers.
Visitors to the exhibitions had an opportunity to study new offers from Russian and foreign suppliers and choose the best equipment and materials. The leading industry experts discussed within the frames of the business program topical issues of operation and prospects for the development of pumping equipment, industrial boilers, heat exchange and power generation equipment as well as trends in the industry.
The activities of most participating companies were aimed at the production of import substituting products. The relevance of this area was confirmed by a high interest in Russian materials and equipment of exhibitors which would contribute to the growth of domestic production.
Heat & Power's 2022 business program focused on improving energy efficiency. Recognized experts in the energy and heat industry discussed the role of small energy based on renewable energy in the development of distributed energy in Russia, energy transition taking into account energy security, digital and intelligent systems in energy generation and power supply, the regulatory and technical basis for the use of energy storage systems and other relevant aspects of energy supply.
The key issues of the PCVExpo business program related to import substitution and the development of valve construction in the new reality, practical aspects of using pumping equipment to effectively solve the technological problems of companies - end customers of industrial pumps, technical regulation and modernization of engineering solutions in the pump industry.
The next editions of exhibitions Heat&Power and PCVExpo will be held October 24 through 26, 2023 at Crocus Expo.
See you at Crocus Expo!
- 05.12.2022