Main summer industrial exhibitions Rosmould | Rosplast 2022 were held with a stunning success
Industrial exhibitions will be held at Crocus Expo June 7 through 9, 2022:
The 12th International Exhibition of Machinery and Materials for Plastics Industry Rosplast
The 16th International Exhibition for Mould and Tool Making, Product Development and Contract Manufacturing Rosmould.
For many years, Rosmould and Rosplast exhibitions had been serving as reliable and proven platforms for business development, contributing to the creation of favorable conditions for the interaction of business partners, and constantly introducing innovations and modern solutions to industrial production 7 436 specialists from various branches of industry attended the events.
The exhibition brought together 183 participants from the Republic of Belarus, Germany, Italy, Iran, China, Russia, Taiwan, Turkey. 90% of exhibitors confirmed their participation in exhibitions in 2023.
Rosmould 2022 exposition featured such sections as: Design and Product Development; Moulds. Die Moulds. Stamps; Forming equipment and tools; Service and Maintenance.
Rosplast 2022 exposition offered equipment, developments and technologies by the leading industry suppliers and producers: Materials; Machinery and Technologies; Production Automation. APE, Babyplast, BORCHE Machinery, Gazi, GS Machinery, Jwell, Everplast, ERACO, Leader Machinery, Liansu, Moretto, Polinar Plastik, Sarac Plastic, and many others companies displayed their products and services within the frames of the exposition.
3D-Tech - Additive Technologies and 3D-printing - specialized section of the Rosmould trade fair introduced the visitors with the latest models of equipment abd developments: Professional and Personal 3D-Printers; 3D-Scanning and Geometric Control; Materials for 3D-Printing; Software for 3D-Equipment, Parts and Components. 3D Vision, Cybercom, Lider 3D, Logeeks, RedFab, HarzLabs, Stereotech, SIU System, Thor3D, TopStanok, Total Z, Thor3D, Range Vision, Rusky, UnionTech, Rusal, Farsoon and other companies displayed their products and services within the frames of the section.
Visitors got acquainted with the collective stands of regional manufacturers from the Moscow region, Perm Territory, Nizhny Novgorod region, the collective exposition of residents of the Skolkovo Foundation and the collective stand of the Association of Toolmakers of Russia (AIR). The collective stand of the Islamic Republic of Iran was presented for the first time.
Business program featured various business and educational events:
Forum of additive technologies Additive Manufacturing and 3D Printing.
Technical conference Molds, Technologies, Equipment.
Forum Plastic Processing – Recycling - Circular Economics.
International conference on industrial design of plastic products IDEAS. DESIGN. PRODUCTS.
Practical seminar from the Association of Toolmakers of Russia (AIR).
90 speakers participated in the business program in the course of three days.
In 2023 Rosmould | Rosplast will be held June 6 through 8.
See you at Crocus Expo!
- 29.06.2022