Awarding for the best of the best at the Radiology 2022 congress

XIV All-Russian scientific and educational forum with international participation Medical Diagnostics 2022 will be held May 24 through 26, 2022 at Crocus Expo. Congress Radiology will become one of the key events at the forum.

Every year the organizing committee of the Congress «Radiology» supports talented scientists and specialized specialists. In 2022, awards in 3 nominations will traditionally be held during the event.

Yu.N. Sokolov prize for young scientists for the best research paper in radiation diagnostics

Talented researchers under 30 are invited to participate. The laureates will receive diplomas and valuable prizes. The work that took the first place will be considered for publication in the form of an article in the «Russian Electronic Journal of Radiation Diagnostics (REJR)», included in the list of peer-reviewed scientific journals of the Higher Attestation Commission of Russia and indexed in the Scopus database.

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Recognition Certificate of the Russian National Congress of X-ray Diagnosticians and Physicians

The diploma is awarded to specialists in the field of radiation diagnostics for many years of practical activity in radiology, radiology, interventional, ultrasound, functional diagnostics and angiography.


Professor Yu.N. Sokolov personalized badge of honor

The award is given to outstanding scientists, high-level professionals in the field of radiation diagnostics, who founded scientific and pedagogical schools, published fundamental scientific works, and made a significant contribution to improving the pedagogical and therapeutic diagnostic process. The laureates are awarded a medal and a certificate of honor.


See you at Crocus Expo!

  • 22.04.2022

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