Global progress of agricultural machinery at AGROSALON

The International specialized exhibition of agricultural machinery AGROSALON 2022, attracting specialists of agricultural and industrial complex from all over Russia, will be held October 4 through 7, 2022 at Crocus Expo. The AGROSALON exhibition, which has been known in our country for 14 years as the largest showcase of agricultural machinery and equipment.

Innovative machines, highly efficient equipment and thousands of spare parts - the minimum list that will be showcased at the exhibition. An impressive part of the exposition will be Russian agricultural machinery, which, along with foreign models, proves its competitiveness, and sometimes even surpasses it. Among the futuristic "machines of the future" unmanned agricultural machinery will occupy a special place. Robotic systems show economic efficiency, and experts believe that in ten years all equipment will become unmanned. It is important to note that today it is Russian unmanned vehicles that are considered the best in the world, is this true - it will be possible to draw conclusions on your own and discuss them with colleagues as part of the business program.

In addition to the exposition part, AGROSALON will combine several areas - a forum with a business and educational program, which includes dozens of seminars, master classes and conferences.

At thematic events, those who wish will discuss the critical moments from which not only each individual industry suffers, but also the country's economy as a whole. Among others - state support measures, import substitution, development of production of components, inefficient economic policy, low standards of education. The dialogue will be attended by both farmers and experts in business development, regulation, industrial cooperation and new technologies.

One of the main events of the exhibition AGROSALON is a prestigious independent competition of innovative equipment, which has no analogues in Russia. A jury of leading industry experts will award gold and silver medals to the most efficient and advanced models of agricultural machinery. Moreover - all the nominated samples will be presented at the exhibition!

The organizers of AGROSALON did not stop there. Agrosalon Drive will offer you to cabin evaluate the driving characteristics of the machines and even ride in the cabin of the latest model of a tractor or harvester. Test drives of self-propelled agricultural machinery is a unique and impressive event, and even more so for Moscow. In addition, along with the usual models, unmanned models will also be presented.

On the final day of the exhibition, students from the leading agricultural universities of Russia will come to join the world of agricultural machinery. Young specialists will raise their level of knowledge within the framework of the Youth Day and will find future employers among the exhibitors, which is especially important in the face of a shortage of personnel. Today, “the lack of trained personnel is one of the two most important problems, along with the bad economic policy.

AGROSALON acts as a necessary intermediary between the creators of machinery and farmers. Understanding the need for support, AGROSALON launched a program of group visits to the exhibition for farmers. Thanks to it, each interested group will receive a free bus that will take them not only from the region to the exhibition, but also back. At the AGROSALON itself, the delegation will be met and accompanied by a guide, who will give a tour of the stands and talk about the presented equipment. Guests will also receive more detailed information from representatives of factories, consult with technical specialists, and become attendees in business events. To use the program, you need to call the exhibition management at +7 (495) 781 37 27.

See you in autumn 2022 at AGROSALON!

  • 21.04.2022

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