The registration for exhibitions Wooden House, Beautiful Houses, AQUA salon, Fireplaces and Heating salon, Home and Garden has been opened

International architectural and design exhibitions Beautiful Houses, Wooden House. Spring, Fireplace and Heating salon, Aqua salon: Wellness & Spa, Home and Garden. Moscow Garden Show, Barbecue and grills  will be held March 17 through 20, 2022 at Crocus Expo.

Attending the exhibitions is a unique opportunity to establish business contacts, develop inter-sectoral cooperation, exchange of experiences with regional and global manufacturers of fireplaces, stoves and heating equipment. This is the best way to compile the most complete picture of the new developments in this area, to explore consumer demand and market offers. Wooden House is one of the most successful projects in the field of wooden construction, this event will bring together leading Russian and foreign companies, manufacturers, suppliers, architects, builders and designers. Aqua salon is one of the most successful projects in aqua industry, gathering the leading manufacturers of pools, the largest Russian and international brands. Home and Garden has once again become the most important meeting place for all those whose professional activities and interests connected with the landscape design. BBQ&grills is one of the priority directions of Fireplaces and Heating Salon

Register online for you to attend the exhibitions free of charge. Please do the following:

  • Complete the form at the web site.

  • Print out the ticket received at your e-mail.

The ticket is valid during all four days of the exhibitions.

See you at Crocus Expo!

  • 09.03.2022

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