Conference in public talk format Modern Supply of Offices and Home Offices with Stationery at Skrepka Expo

The 29th International multithematic exhibition Skrepka Expo will be held February 2through 4, 2022 at Crocus Expo. The conference in public talk format Modern Supply of Offices and Home Offices with Stationery will be held within the frames of Skrepka Expo.

Place: Conference hall, Pavilion 3, hall 13.

Format: Public talk – “discussion in public”. This is a new format of public meetings and interviews with famous people, experts in their industry or profession. Speakers fr om advanced organizations of the country will share their experience in the format of a frank conversation with visitors to the event.


  • Acquire additional professional skills and share experience in the procurement of stationery and paper.

  • Identify the problems that arise in the process of preparing and conducting procurement, as well as fulfilling the terms of the contract for the supply of stationery and paper, discuss ways to solve them.

  • Draw industry suppliers' attention to the problems that arise when purchasing stationery and paper fr om large corporate customers.

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Thus, public talk Modern Office and Home Office Supply with Stationery is a place wh ere suppliers to offices can acquire additional professional skills and exchange experience in the procurement of stationery and paper and receive feedback from corporate customers about their needs.

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See you at Crocus Expo February 2 through 4, 2022!

  • 27.12.2021

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