WasteTech and EcwaTech 2021 have been opened at Crocus Expo

The 13th international WasteTech 2021 exhibition and forum, a unique platform that brings together representatives of government, business and society, thereby helping to solve the problems of the waste management sector and the 15th International Exhibition and forum Water: Ecology and Technology  EcwaTech 2021, have started their work today September 7 at Crocus Expo.

Annually key industry players present equipment and technologies for the municipal and environmental sectors of Russia. A full range of topics are covered at the projects: waste management, recycling, wastewater treatment, renewable energy, air quality, reclamation of contaminated sites, industrial cleaning, improvement of territories, labor safety.

WasteTech 2021 business program

WasteTech 2021 business program includes 11 events which will surely attract professionals from different segments of the industry. More than 60 world experts and representatives of the leading companies in the industry will talk about current trends and share professional experience.

The Awarding Ceremony for the winners of the School of Recycling: Electronics eco program will be held within the frames of WasteTech. Representatives of the Moscow Department of Nature Management and Environmental Protection, the Moscow Department of Health and the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of Russia will take part in the ceremony. Organizer - Environmental Management Fund.

The School of Recycling: Electronics is the only program in Russia for the free disposal of electronic waste for the population, authorities and budgetary institutions. The program is implemented in 11 regions: Moscow, Moscow Region, St. Petersburg, Leningrad, Nizhny Novgorod, Tambov, Tula, Ivanovo, Ryazan and Volgograd Regions, the Republic of Mordovia, the Republic of Mari Its goal is to reduce environmental damage from dumping electronic garbage, to develop skills for separate collection of hazardous waste.

EcwaTech 2021 business program

EcwaTech Conference Program is extremely extensive and, as a rule, includes several specialised events: conferences, seminars, round tables, presentations of companies and other thematic events of the water sector. The versality of the program allows to fine-tune it and makes it interesting for several thousand participants whose professional interests (for all their “water” community) sometimes differ significantly. Session Design and Operation of Sewage Treatment Plants taking into account the existing requirements for the quality of treated water. Current issues, problems and their solutions will become the key event of the first day of the business program.


See you at Crocus Expo at WasteTech and EcwaTech exhibitions September 7 through 9!

  • 07.09.2021

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