Preparation to Pharmtech&Ingredients 2021 is under way

The 23rd International exhibition of equipment, raw materials and technologies for pharmaceutical production Pharmtech&Ingredients, the largest event of the profile in Russia and the CIS countries, will be held November 23 through 26 at Crocus Expo.

Get free ticket with promo code pha21crocus at the official website of the project.

More than 200 companies from 11 countries have already confirmed their participation. Each of them is one of the leaders of the segment: IMA, Marchesini Group, Sartorius, Merck, Aktivnyi Komponent, Michael Kurako, Tofflon, BASF, AntaresVision, ECI PACKAGING, Sinopharmtech, FAVEA, Rolstec, OMAG, Capsugel, Catrosa, ImCo Pharma, PharmVILAR, Rettenmaier, Artlife-Techno, Bausch + Stroebel, Uhlmann, Beckman Coulter, Fette Compacting, Harro Höfliger, Gerresheimer, Gluvex, InterPharm Technology and many other companies.

More than 20 companies will present their products for the first time: D.D. ENTERPRISES (India, pharmaceutical equipment), INTRADE (Russia, packaging manufacturer), NTSO (GILSNP, Russia, standard samples), ZwickRoell Russia (Germany, pharmaceutical equipment), PANECO (Russia, laboratory equipment), PRINTING INTERNATIONAL (Belgium, printing equipment) and others.

Manufacturers from Germany and Switzerland will present their national pavilions. Each of these countries will present a collective exhposition, which will reflect the assortment of key European companies.

The business program of the exhibition is being compiled.

  • Round table API: to be produced or imported
  • Round table: Changing regulatory rules for pharmaceutical waste
  • Pharmtechprom forum: Session A – Raw materials and pharmaceutical ingredients; Session B – Technologies and equipment for pharmaceutical production; Session C – Packaging equipment and materials; Session D – Auxiliary processes in pharmaceutical production

Sanofi, IMCD, Croda, Hosokawa, AsahiKasei, DIOSNA, Bruker, SEAVision and others will present their latest developments at the forum. Pharmtechprom forum annually attracts more than 500 specialists of the industry.

More about events of the business program.

Pharmtech Tutor educational project will be held for a comprehensive contribution to the development of Russia’s pharmaceutical industry. The essence of the project is to provide students specialized specialties of pharmaceutical educational institutions with practical skills. With the assistance of leading world companies from among the participants of the exhibition, students will undergo a mini-internship during the Pharmtech & Ingredients. Based on the results of work at the exhibition, each trainee will present a report at the reporting event at the institute.

The 23rd International exhibition of equipment, raw materials and technologies for pharmaceutical production Pharmtech&Ingredients 2021 will be held November 23 through 26 at Crocus Expo. Get free ticket for you to attend the exposition and events of the business program with promo code.

See you at Crocus Expo!

  • 01.09.2021

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