What will be remembered about MIOF 2021.Spring?
The 28th Moscow International Optical Fair (MIOF), the leading branch event which incorporates on the same platform specialists from the sphere of medical optics and ophthalmology, was accommodated in Crocus Expo February 16 through 18, 2021. The project provided again an opportunity for professionals in the fields of medical optics, optometry and glasses fashion to reconvene on the same platform to meet with colleagues, exchange experience and gain new knowledge within the framework of business program events. The organizer of the project is Crocus Expo, the expo venue which ranks at the top among exhibition centers of Russia and Eastern Europe.
3 120 specialist of the industry attended the February exposition of the trade fair.
Companies from 6 countries worldwide displayed their products and services at MIOF: Armenia, Belarus, Italy, China, Russia and Japan. Russian exhibitors were represented by companies from 10 regions of the country: Moscow, St. Petersburg, Bryansk, Vladimir, Voronezh, Moscow, Rostov, Ryazan, Tambov regions and the Republic of Crimea.
The exposition covers all segments: of the optical industry: eyeglasses fashion (frames and sun glasses), eyeglass and contact lenses, care means for medical optics, diagnostic equipment, software for salons of optics, various accessories, trade equipment for opticians, specialized optical editions and many other things.
The exposition of the February edition of the trade fair was formed by well-known companies operating in the Russian market and representatives of foreign brands, including: DANZ, Key Optical Russia, Look Occhiali, Oliver Wood, Panfundus, Stormoff, AVEA, Alhemer Optic, Aelita Optics, Alliance-Optics, Balero-MS, Barbus KB, Burma, VESTA-OPTICS, Vision Trade, Optik Market +, Zvezda Vostoka, Kalita, Crimean Optical Group, Maksema Optics, Optik Euro, Ricardi, TITAN-OPTIC and others.
Training courses and seminars of various formats were held within the frames of MIOF 2021 business program - experts from leading companies made presentations: MOK BBGR, Essilor Academy, Nikon Academy, Hoya Rus Lenses, Novalex Group, Grand Vision Company, Opti-class, Alcon and others.
The 7th Awarding Ceremony for the winners of the Russian National Award Golden Lorgnette took place within the frames of the trade fair. The National Award in the optical industry is one of the most prestigious awards at the market of optical goods and services, equipment and materials, glass and contact lenses, sun glasses and frames, distributors and retail chains and also optician’s of Russia. The award is designed to recognize the most important individuals and companies in the optical industry for providing excellent service, fostering innovation and spreading awareness of the optical industry. The organizers of the contest are Crocus Expo, MIOF Management Office and Market Assistant Group, the contest was supported by the Ministry of Healthcare of Russia.
Participation in the trade fair provided a unique opportunity to present a company and products to a distinctly selected targeted audience of industry specialists. They were well prepared to discuss business in the Russian market and to close a deal on-site.
Moscow International Optical Fair is an event for professionals, experts and producers, one of the most important platforms of our country for demonstration of the latest achievements. The exhibition serves as an indicator of the branch state and tendencies of its further development, allows to present advanced technologies, equipment and materials, to establish new and to strengthen already existing business relations.
According to the results of the exhibition, 57.1% of participants and 46.5% of visitors noted that they had found new customers at the fair; 85.7% of participants signed contracts or agreed on future deliveries; 74.8% of visitors believe that the exhibition is necessary for making a procurement decision.
We would like to express our gratitude to all partners, exhibitors and attendees of the trade fair for their loyalty, trust, feedback and information support!
See you at Crocus Expo!
- 17.03.2021